Upcoming Events
2nd March 2025: Old Fire Station - - DugOut perform with dancers of all ages from across the city to embrace and celebrate the joy of dancing
Previous Events
23rd March 2024: Pegasus Theatre - Imagine and Arrive - DugOut perform as guests for OYD and Tac-au-Tac dance as part of 'What the Dove said to the Moon'.
1st April 2022: Old Fire Station - Curious Dancing - An evening of dance by DugOut as part of 'Life Line' a three day festival of dance.
17th March 2019: Ark T centre - Time & Tide - DugOut perform a dance about Space alongside groups in Oxford Youth Dance.
19th May 2018: Old Fire Station - Elements - DugOut members perform an intergenerational piece based on the elements: Earth, Fire, Wind and Water with dancers from Oxford and Japan.
9th June 2017: Pegasus Theatre - Suspension - Temporary withdrawal from the demands of routine - dance offers us all a moment of suspension. DugOut presents an evening of surprises.
14th Nov 2014: People Dancing International Event, Cardiff - Wings 3 Time Flies - DugOut members join dancers from Oxford and Japan for the third Wings project. Using Dance as their common language, and music composed specially for the event, a piece inspired by flight, distance and trust was devised over 2 days.
5th June 2014: Pegasus Theatre - D-Constructed - DugOut takes the world apart and puts it back together in new and unexpected ways!
October 2013: Hello Japan! Signature Moves from Oxford - DugOut joins dancers from Oxford Youth Dance and Oxford Youth Dance Company to perform their 8 second signature solo's to share with dancers dancing in their community in areas of Japan affected by the 2011 tsunami. See video clip below:
30th May to 2nd June 2013: Oxford Castle complex - Tra^verse - A promenade of dances in which DugOut's performance focuses on the Oxford prisoners and their labours. Also including 'Wings 2 - Under Riding, Over Arching', a collaboration of members of DugOut, OYD Co and OYD with members of dancers from Japan.
9th & 21st July 2012: South Park, Oxford and Stonor Park nr Henley - Tree of Light - A project as part of the cultural Olympiad for 2012, involving some members of DugOut.
16th & 17th March 2012: Pegasus Theatre - No stone unturned - DugOut presents 'No cell unturned' as guest performers.
26th to 28th October 2011: Pegasus Theatre - Wings - An inter-generational collaboration with members of DugOut, OYD Co and OYD with waLEwale wOrks from Japan.
9th June 2011: Pegasus Theatre - Prime Numbers - An evening of dance pieces devised for and by members of DugOut over seven weeks.
Performance Feedback from Prime Numbers:
‘Absolutely brilliant!’
‘Funny, moving, beautiful. 4 wonderful pieces.Thank you Dugout!’
‘Glad I came to see this, I laughed out loud and cried real tears. Simply beautiful and real fun’
‘Glorious DugOut!! Loved it’
‘Wonderful evening. Thank you’
‘You really are a dance group who I love to watch so well done and thanks’
'Super duper!!! Thanks’
‘Fantastic, you were all wonderful and I loved watching (and wanted to dance)’
‘Wonderfully inspiring, thank you’
March 2011: Oxford & Cherwell Valley Community College - DugOut performs their piece 'Precious' as guest performers.
Feb 2009: Pegasus Theatre - Static - DugOut performs several pieces inspired by Anthony Gormley, including 'Static' and Clay Figures, shown below:
(Music by Bowmer & Holmes)